Heart failure nutrition foods you need. Food selection and proper nutrition for heart failure Foods useful for heart failure

For any heart problems, you should consult a doctor, avoid taking folk remedies! Only a specialist can establish an accurate diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

The fight against heart disease is carried out not only with the help of drug treatment. It is an integral part, but you can’t help grief with pills alone. The most important factor in overcoming the disease or maintaining a high quality of life in the chronic form is a specialized diet. It is especially relevant if the problem appears against the background of diabetes mellitus.

There are several different recipes that will help you improve the functioning of the main muscle in your body. Your doctor will advise you on the menu, but different specialists prefer different options. Today we’ll talk about what a diet for heart failure is and what foods will be useful for normalizing muscle function.

Basic principles

Compliance with a diet is a mandatory requirement for complete treatment. The menu for each person is selected individually, and the patient’s preferences play an important role here. There are several general principles that must be followed for any menu. In particular:

  1. Meals should be small, but frequent. Experts recommend eating up to 5 times a day in small portions.
  2. You can't overeat at night. Dinner should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  3. Food should be chewed thoroughly; there is no need to eat quickly.
  4. Drinking while eating is not allowed.

To improve the functioning of the heart muscle, the components are introduced in certain proportions.

If you suffer from any form of illness, the portions of your breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks and dinners should be limited. Following a proper diet allows you to achieve a number of positive effects:

  • there is a gradual cleansing of the body from harmful substances accumulated in it due to metabolic disorders;
  • shortness of breath decreases, endurance increases;
  • the function of the heart muscle is normalized.

As for the general provisions for all diets, first of all, they limit the consumption of meat. Firstly, acceptable portions are being reduced, and secondly, it is not possible to consume animal products every day. In addition, therapeutic diets for heart failure are based on minimal fluid intake, which provokes a deterioration in blood circulation. You should not drink more than 3-4 glasses a day. If you drink too much, you may experience leg swelling, which is common in patients with heart failure. Too much water leads to salt imbalance and puts undue stress on the ailing heart.

Also important is to limit salt intake. In case of heart failure, salt accumulates in the body, which should not be allowed under any circumstances. Therefore, the daily norm for patients is no more than 3-5 g of this product. In case of heart failure of the 1st degree, it is recommended to completely exclude it from the diet until the condition improves. This principle is one of the key ones in the diet, called “Table No. 10”. If you consume less salt, your body will be relieved of fluids.

Patients are advised to take as many vitamins as possible. Vitamins A, B1, and C will be especially effective for stimulating the heart. Therefore, a large number of all kinds of vegetables and fruits are prescribed in diets. Particularly useful will be:

  • all kinds of juices;
  • citrus;
  • rosehip decoction;
  • apples (especially Antonovka);
  • strawberry;
  • raspberries.

Main courses should be nutritious so that you can get enough of them in small portions. Coffee and tea are not prohibited, but limited.

As a rule, doctors do not prescribe one diet to a patient. Typically, a power mode includes several possible menus. Let's look at them in more detail.

Karelian diet

The Karelian diet is used in cases where the patient suffers from a severe form of heart failure. It is also often prescribed to people diagnosed with heart disease. Compliance with this diet allows you to eliminate swelling, eliminate dropsy of the sternum and abdominal cavity.

First of all, with this diet, fluid intake is limited. Milk is recommended in an amount of no more than 1 liter per day in 8-10 doses. Solid food should be added gradually. The approximate diet for week 3 includes:

After the specialist notes an improvement in the condition, the patient can be transferred to a gentle diet, such as diet No. 10a.

If a patient suffers from atherosclerosis in the stage of heart failure, approximately 60% of the products from the menu of healthy people are used. You will have to give up foods high in vitamin D and cholesterol. These include:

In terms of calorie content, the table is limited to 2700 kcal/day. In this case, foods rich in lipotropics would be preferable. Choline and methionine stimulate the heart and help cleanse the body of excess cholesterol. Products containing a large number of lipotropics include:

If the patient’s condition improves, the “Table No. 10” diet can be applied. Let’s consider it in more detail.

Diet "Table No. 10"

The main principle of this diet is the absence of salt. The maximum permissible volume of liquid per day is 1.5 liters. The amount of bread (no more than 250 grams) and sugar (up to 30 grams) is limited. The approximate diet is as follows:

  1. At 8 am, the patient needs to have breakfast with porridge made from rice, semolina or pureed buckwheat; in addition to cereals, you can eat a boiled egg or a steamed omelet. Tea with apple or jam is suitable as a dessert.
  2. At 11 am you need to eat a salad of 100 grams of carrot salad with sour cream. Carrots can be replaced with turnips. Additionally, it’s a good idea to eat an apple or some dried apricots.
  3. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon you should have lunch with half a plate of vegetarian borscht. An alternative to it can be vegetarian soup with rice, soup with croutons and fruit, barley soup with sour cream and potatoes. For the second course, serve 100 grams of fried meat (boil before frying, fry in the oven) or the same amount of boiled meat with vegetables, baked meat. You need to wash down lunch with milk jelly or eat an apple (whole or pureed) for dessert.
  4. At 4 pm afternoon tea. It is recommended to eat one apple or some soaked prunes (can be replaced with dried fruits). Wash it down with rosehip decoction.
  5. Dinner at 7 pm. It's a good idea to eat some boiled noodles or potato cutlets. A salad with apples and beets is also recommended. Another good option would be cottage cheese with milk. If there is no milk, you can use sour cream. We wash it down with half a glass of tea. We drink another half glass of tea or milk before bed.

This diet is ideal for patients suffering from mild forms of heart failure. If there is progress, the specialist may allow salt, but not more than 5 grams per day.

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How to eat properly with chronic heart failure

Nutrition for chronic heart failure (CHF) is aimed at eliminating changes in the patient’s metabolism, which are achieved by prescribing a special diet consisting of appropriate foods. The combination of taking diuretics and heart medications with nutritional therapy is several times more effective. Therefore, proper nutrition is an integral part in the treatment of chronic heart failure.

general characteristics

The diet for heart failure should be followed in order to improve the contractile function of the heart muscles. With this pathology, sodium ions are retained in the body, which leads to an increase in edema and heart failure. Limiting table salt in the patient’s diet is one of the main guarantees of improving the patient’s well-being.

An important factor in the treatment of heart failure is exercise.

In addition to changes in sodium in the body, in chronic heart failure there is a clear decrease in potassium ions. First of all, this leads to dystrophic changes in the myocardium. Potassium has diuretic properties and has a positive effect on the contractility of the heart. A diet containing potassium increases the contractility of the heart and improves blood circulation. Don’t forget about magnesium, which in turn also affects the proper functioning of the heart muscle.

The diet for chronic heart failure should be at least 4-5 meals per day.

Patients need to include alkaline foods in their diet, since the body of patients with chronic heart failure tends to be acidic. Alkaline foods include milk, fruits, vegetables and bran bread. Among vegetables and fruits, it is preferable to eat apples, bananas, lemons, melons, carrots, beets, potatoes, cabbage, peaches, peas, and oranges.

It is necessary to follow a certain regime and diet. First of all, you should limit your consumption of table salt to 3-4 g per day and liquids (soup, tea, juice, compote, coffee, water, fruits, vegetables) to 1.0-1.3 liters per day. Food for patients with chronic heart failure should be easily digestible, be high in calories, and contain the required concentration of vitamins and protein. It is necessary to weigh the patient daily, since an increase in weight by 2-3 kg in 1-4 days will indicate decompensation (worsening of the condition) and fluid retention in the body in the form of external and internal edema.

It is important to observe the amount of food eaten at one time. Overeating leads to excessive filling of the stomach, which promotes the rise of the diaphragm and, as a result, negatively affects the functioning of the heart.

In sanatoriums, dispensaries, and hospitals, diet No. 10 is used for the treatment of stage I-II chronic heart failure. Its approximate characteristics are given below.

A number of rules should be observed when selecting food products, namely:

Bakery products – bran bread, baked without salt; crackers from black or gray bread. Unsweetened cookies (Maria type).

Soups - the main thing is to maintain volumes, from 250 to 400 ml per serving. Soups can be vegetable, lean, with lean meat and with a low salt content.

Meat and fish - only low-fat varieties (beef, chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey, pike perch, hake, cod, pike, navaga) boiled or steamed.

Garnish – boiled and raw vegetables, various cereals with added milk, puddings, durum pasta. The exception is legumes.

Egg dishes – no more than 3 pieces per week. If only egg whites are used, then the number of eggs per week can be increased to 6. It is preferable to use baked protein meringues and omelettes.

In severe forms of chronic heart failure, it is recommended to consult about diet with your doctor or nutritionist.

Dairy products - there are no exceptions here, all products can be eaten: fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, sour cream), milk (if tolerated), cottage cheese, low-fat cream, cheese.

Sweet dishes - the main rule is that the average daily amount of sugar does not exceed 100 grams. This includes honey, marshmallows, sugar, jam, marshmallows, marmalade, biscuit, caramel, etc.

Fruits and berries - compotes, fruit drinks, jelly, jellies, juices, mousses, baked apples, all this is allowed and recommended for use in case of heart failure.

Tea and coffee in a weak form, a decoction of rose hips, raspberries, black currants, taking into account the daily fluid intake.

  • strong tea, coffee, cocoa
  • fatty fish
  • pork, lard, lamb and beef fat
  • spicy and smoked products (loin, sausage, frankfurters, sausages, sauces)
  • food that causes flatulence (legumes, cabbage)
  • canned food
  • strong meat and fish broths
  • alcohol
  • fried and spicy foods
  • fatty desserts
  • mayonnaise
  • wheat flour

You should consume in moderation: table salt up to 3-4 g per day, liquid 1.0-1.3 liters during the day, red wine. For a more significant result, you should give up tea, milk and compote in favor of simple drinking water.

What to give up (photo)

Sample menu for the day

Breakfast: Porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, brown or wild rice, millet) – 6-9 tablespoons per glass of milk. You can replace it with cottage cheese, cheesecakes or pudding made from curd mass. If desired, a glass of sweet, weak tea with a sandwich of grain bread and butter is allowed.

Second breakfast: Any fruit - fresh apple or baked with honey and raisins, pear, orange, banana or 6-7 dried apricots.

Healthy products are the main component of the daily menu

Lunch: Soup of your choice (vegetarian or with lean meat, fish). Garnish with stewed vegetables or tomato salad with cucumbers and olive oil. One glass of fruit drink, compote or jelly.

Afternoon snack: Any fruit or a handful of nuts with dried fruits

Dinner: accepted no later than seven o'clock in the evening. Boiled fish with baked potatoes – 1-2 pieces. Fruit casserole or porridge with a slice of cheese.

Before bed: a glass of kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk or a small piece of fruit.

The temperature of cooked food should not exceed degrees Celsius.

While maintaining proper nutrition, one should not forget about the constant and comprehensive intake of medications, optimal physical activity and rational rest. Diet No. 10 is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body, has a diuretic effect and coordinates the work of the heart, liver and kidneys.

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The material is published for informational purposes only and under no circumstances can it be considered a substitute for medical consultation with a specialist in a medical institution. The site administration is not responsible for the results of using the posted information. For questions of diagnosis and treatment, as well as prescribing medications and determining their dosage regimen, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Do's and Don'ts for Heart Disease

Treatment of cardiovascular diseases is an ongoing task. Sometimes patients have to stay in the hospital, but most of the time they are treated themselves, taking medications prescribed by the doctor. Unfortunately, in some cases, patients’ independent efforts are limited to taking medications. People do not understand the need to follow certain lifestyle rules. They do not know how to divide things and actions into “possible”, “necessary” and “absolutely impossible”. In many cases, this is what underlies neglect of diet, reluctance to exercise, and other common mistakes. Let's avoid these mistakes together!

In this article, we have collected all the “dos,” “dos,” and “don’ts” that a patient with heart disease should adhere to in everyday life.

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  • All patients with heart disease need to supplement their diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, fiber (bran), and vegetable oils. You need to eat fish at least 2 times a week. The consumption of fish oil as a dietary supplement is encouraged, as is the intake of dietary supplements containing omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids. This diet helps lower blood cholesterol and slow down atherosclerosis, which causes the development of various forms of coronary heart disease.
  • For patients with heart failure, certain rhythm disorders, and those who have had a heart attack, it is especially important to have foods containing potassium in their diet. These include dried fruits, baked potatoes, bananas, and other fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • If you are overweight, you should definitely strive to reduce it, since excess body weight is a factor that increases the risk of complications of cardiovascular diseases.
  • All cardiac patients are required to strictly limit the intake of animal fats. The content of fatty meats, fatty cheeses, sour cream, cream, and fatty cottage cheese in the diet should be significantly reduced. It is advisable to exclude sausages, semi-finished products, lard, and margarine. It is also recommended to avoid confectionery, sweets, and sugar as much as possible. All of these products contribute to the accelerated development of atherosclerosis.
  • Patients with coronary heart disease and a tendency to increase blood pressure should not drink a lot of coffee and strong tea, as well as other caffeine-containing drinks (sports drinks, energy drinks).
  • It is important for patients with a biological heart valve transplant to avoid excessive consumption of foods containing calcium (dairy products). You don’t have to limit it, just don’t “overeat.”
  • In agreement with the doctor and taking into account the patient’s condition, small amounts of sweets are sometimes allowed (30 g of easily digestible carbohydrates 1-2 times a day), up to 1-2 cups of natural weak coffee per day, small amounts of dry red wine (no more than 1 glass per day ).

Physical exercise

  • Absolutely any patient with heart disease needs to exercise. They should be planned individually, taking into account the specific situation and with the participation of a doctor. So, in the first days after a heart attack, the patient is only allowed to sit up in bed and do simple gymnastics, and a person who has already recovered from heart surgery is even recommended to exercise on a treadmill.
  • In case of any cardiovascular diseases, sudden physical efforts or activities with uneven load are prohibited. These include sprinting, weight lifting, other types of weightlifting, and wrestling.
  • Patients who have recently undergone heart surgery are prohibited from swimming until postoperative wounds have completely healed.
  • Patients who have undergone open heart surgery should not allow stress on the chest and shoulder girdle until the sternum has completely fused (up to 3 months).
  • You cannot change the intensity of exercise. If at some point a person begins to “slack”, and then grabs his head and strives to “catch up,” he can harm himself.
  • Almost all patients, after stabilization of their condition, are allowed to carry out household activities and active recreation.

Do you want to restore your physical capabilities to the maximum? Complete the program cardiac rehabilitation at the Barvikha sanatorium" Registration for rehabilitation - Online or by phone


  • Short trips, for example, walking through the forest or summer swimming in natural reservoirs, are recommended for many heart diseases as excellent health procedures.
  • If you have a heart condition, be sure to discuss your plans with your doctor before making any travel decisions. Situations can be very different; in some cases, travel will not harm, but in others, it is strictly prohibited. Your doctor can explain how to behave in different situations, introduce you to “precautionary measures” during travel, and even help you choose a specific country for a vacation (based on climatic and geographical conditions).
  • Patients who have severe health problems (decompensated heart failure, risk of serious rhythm disturbances, recent heart surgery) should not travel, especially abroad. Climate change, plane travel, not very comfortable train travel, crossing time zones and other travel-related issues can significantly worsen the condition of a sick person. The exception is situations when a person who underwent surgery abroad needs to return to his home country for further treatment.

Diagnostic tests

  • Patients with cardiovascular diseases are people who are extremely vulnerable to various external factors. Sometimes the influences used during various diagnostic procedures can have a negative impact on the condition of patients. If you need an examination for non-heart diseases, you must inform the doctors about the presence of heart problems, and even better, provide existing extracts and certificates containing information about your condition.
  • Patients with a pacemaker should not undergo MRI examinations. The intense magnetic field used during magnetic resonance imaging can disrupt the operation of medical electronics. Those with a pacemaker are prohibited from even entering the waiting area near the MRI rooms.
  • Patients with decompensated (severe) chronic heart failure, people who have recently suffered a myocardial infarction, severe arrhythmias, uncontrolled high blood pressure and other dangerous health problems should not undergo studies that are difficult to tolerate. These include endoscopic methods (fibrogastroscopy, colonoscopy) and some other studies (irrigoscopy, etc.). These procedures are performed only if they are vitally needed and their intended benefit outweighs the risk.


  • Heart patients have different attitudes towards the idea of ​​working after (during) illness. Some people strive to retire and live “for themselves,” while some prefer to “be a hero” and try to return to hard work, even if objectively they are not able to do it. However, you should not take the decision to continue or stop working solely on yourself. You need to consult a specialist. It will help you determine what workloads are acceptable for you. If necessary, doctors will help transfer to easier working conditions, register for disability, etc.
  • For many cardiovascular diseases, as well as after surgical treatment and myocardial infarction, it is imperative to undergo cardiac rehabilitation! It includes correction of treatment, expansion of a person’s physical capabilities, increasing the fitness of the heart and the whole body. Timely and complete rehabilitation of patients significantly increases the percentage of people who, even after very serious illnesses, restore their ability to work.
  • If the doctor has prohibited the type of activity that you are engaged in or want to engage in, you cannot bypass the medical decision and do what you are no longer able to do. Even if you subjectively feel that you can carry heavy weights, get nervous, not sleep at night, and so on, understand: this is harmful to you and can worsen the prognosis of your disease.
  • The opposite situation. The man fell ill and decided that he no longer wanted to work and that it was time to retire. This is a choice that each of us has the right to. However, even if you don’t work, strive to maintain activity, connections and interests. A person involved in social life lives longer than one who isolates himself from everyone and becomes an observer of life.
  • Most patients of working age with heart and vascular diseases can return to work after proper treatment and rehabilitation.

Intimate life

  • Sexologists advise all patients who have undergone any serious illness or surgery to continue their intimate life. Even if a “chronic” person is constantly forced to take medications and visit doctors, he can still have harmonious sexual relationships. Of course, no one has the right to force a patient to return to intimate life - a person must do or not do this, guided solely by his own desire. However, a number of studies confirm that people who continue to have sex after illness have better health outcomes and live longer.
  • During 2-3 months after open heart surgery, it is not recommended to choose positions during sex that place a lot of stress on the arms and chest.
  • Patients who do not tolerate stress well are not recommended to have an excessively active intimate life.
  • Patients with heart disease should not maintain the habit of openly monitoring their condition during or after sex. Some patients pause to count their pulse or measure their blood pressure, or begin assessing their vital signs immediately after intercourse. However, such a habit disrupts the harmony of sexual relationships and repels the partner. Therefore, you need to learn to express your concerns about health within reasonable limits.
  • It happens that patients do not want to be “cautious”, they want to have a sexual life as active and without any restrictions as in their youth. If a person’s condition allows him to do this, this is quite possible. But when every sexual activity causes prolonged shortness of breath, increased blood pressure and angina attacks, it is recommended to consult a doctor for possible treatment adjustments. Many patients with angina are advised to take nitroglycerin before sex to reduce the likelihood of chest pain.

Alcohol, smoking

Bath, sauna, beach visit, hardening

  • Procedures involving exposure to high or low temperatures can be harmful to the heart if its disease is severe. Therefore, when planning a trip to the bathhouse or to the beach, you should definitely consult a cardiologist.
  • Warm and sharp cold procedures are clearly prohibited in cases of severe arterial hypertension and severe circulatory failure.
  • If you have any heart disease, even if your doctor has officially given you permission to go to a bathhouse or sauna, you should not be particularly zealous, climb onto the top shelves of the steam room, and then jump into the snow with a running start. This is too much stress for the cardiovascular system, which can harm even a healthy person, and even more so for a sick person.
  • With a reasonable approach, observing moderation and after preliminary consultation with a doctor, you are allowed to harden yourself, visit the sauna, and sunbathe on the beach.

All heart diseases are more or less dangerous. For this reason, you should be mindful of your health and not assume that your wellness mission is limited to taking pills. Make your lifestyle correct, practice moderation and caution. This will help you remain a full-fledged, active, cheerful person, even despite the existing or past illness.

Have you been diagnosed with heart disease? Complete a cardiac rehabilitation program at the Barvikha sanatorium. We also offer a complete examination of the cardiovascular system. Registration for rehabilitation and diagnostics – Online or by phone

Diet for heart failure

Description current as of 11/22/2017

  • Efficacy: therapeutic effect after 20 days
  • Timing: constantly
  • Cost of products: rub. in Week

General rules

Chronic heart failure is a complex of symptoms that occurs in various diseases of the cardiovascular system, in which the inability of the heart develops to function normally and provide a sufficient volume of blood output to meet the needs of the body. Its clinical manifestations are shortness of breath, swelling caused by sodium and water retention, weakness and limitation of physical activity. Probable causes of this condition: myocardial diseases, heart valve defects, coronary artery diseases. In older age groups, this condition is most often caused by coronary heart disease, arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

With age, due to progressive changes in the heart muscle and a decrease in the number of cardiomyocytes, myocardial hypertrophy occurs with a decrease in the pumping function of the heart and deterioration of blood circulation. This leads to gas exchange disorders in the body, swelling and congestion in various organs (lungs, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract).

Congestive gastritis develops, resulting in nausea, loss of appetite, vomiting, congestion in the intestines, which impairs the digestion of food and its absorption, weight loss, a tendency to constipation and flatulence.

In patients, nutritional deficiency progresses, which manifests itself in hypoproteinemia (decreased protein levels in the blood), vitamin deficiency (in particular B1), loss of muscle protein and weight. Therefore, the diet for heart failure should be aimed at eliminating these disorders.

Dietary features for CHF include limiting salt and water (with severe edema). Food should be easily digestible, rich in vitamins and have sufficient protein content. Calorie content of the diet within kcal. Patients are recommended to eat split meals up to 6 times a day. Eating a lot of food causes the diaphragm to rise, and this worsens the functioning of the heart. Eating small portions is of particular importance for patients on bed rest.

The degree of salt restriction in the diet for CHF depends on the severity of congestion:

  • I FC – salty food is excluded from the diet; it is not salted during cooking, and the amount of salt for adding salt is 3 g.
  • II FC – salty foods are excluded and adding salt is not allowed. In general, it can be consumed up to 1.5 g.
  • III FC – cooking without salt, eating salt-free bread, adding salt is excluded (less than 1.0 g).

Fluid restriction is important in extreme situations - during decompensation, when it is necessary to administer diuretics intravenously. Thus, with CHF IIB and III FC, fluid is limited to 0.5-0.8 l, and with CHF IIA - to 1.0 l. In normal situations, the fluid volume can be 1.5 l/day. The diet depends on the stage of CHF.

The diet for heart failure of stages I and II A is aimed at facilitating the function of the cardiovascular system, improving the functioning of the kidneys, digestive organs and diuresis. The standard Diet No. 10 is used. The diet should include protein (most animals), 70 g of fat and 350 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content of the diet – kcal. Moderate mechanical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract is provided.

  • Salts and liquids. Food is prepared without salt, it is allowed in a certain amount.
  • Foods rich in cholesterol (offal, sausages).
  • Coarse fiber in the diet, which can cause fermentation and gas formation.
  • Dishes that cause flatulence (legumes, kvass, fresh yeast baked goods, carbonated drinks, grapes, raisins, gooseberries, bran, mushrooms, sprouted grains).
  • Stimulating the activity of the cardiovascular system and nervous system (chocolate, very strong coffee, tea, cocoa, tonics).
  • Irritating to the liver and kidneys (spicy, fried, extractive substances).
  • Liquid consumption up to 1.2 - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar (50 g per day), it can be replaced with honey or unsweetened jam. If you are overweight, simple carbohydrates are significantly limited.
  • Spicy snacks, fatty fried foods, fatty meats and fish, meat, fish/mushroom broths are excluded.

There is no reason to refuse the moderate use of spicy vegetables, herbs and seasonings, onions, and garlic. You can add lemon and tomato juice or a little apple cider vinegar, ketchup and homemade mayonnaise (without salt) to your dishes. This allows unsalted food to add flavor, and given that patients often have reduced appetite, this becomes relevant.

It is important to enrich the patient’s diet with vitamins, potassium and magnesium salts. Potassium has a diuretic effect, which is very important for these patients, improves cardiac activity and reduces the risk of rhythm disturbances. Foods high in it include baked potatoes, raisins, citrus fruits, pine nuts and walnuts, kohlrabi, pumpkin, dates, cucumbers, lentils, figs, peas, beans, soy products, grapes, Brussels sprouts, apricots, apple juice, bananas, seaweed, peaches, spinach, eggplant, watermelon, prunes, apricots and dried apricots, sardines, carrots. One of the best sources of it is bananas, which you should eat every day.

Magnesium is also necessary because patients constantly take diuretics. It promotes vasodilation, the removal of excess cholesterol, its presence is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. The most important are its hypotensive, anti-ischemic and antiarrhythmic effects. With a lack of magnesium, the progression of atherosclerosis and mitral valve prolapse accelerates, persistent tachycardia and arrhythmias occur, and there is an increase in mortality from coronary artery disease. Cases of myocardial infarction in summer are associated with a reduced content of it in the heart muscle. You can get it with the following products: pumpkin and sunflower seeds, wheat bran, walnuts, spinach, sesame seeds, almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, beans, dates.

Patients with stages II B and III CHF are provided with meals within the treatment Table No. 10A. The basic requirements remain the same, but salt is more limited - up to 1.5 g per day. This food has a lower energy value (kcal), proteins are limited to 60 g, and fats to 50 g per day.

Dishes are prepared pureed and only boiled. Because patients' activity is limited, bowel function often decreases. In this case, more laxative foods are introduced into the diet: steamed dried apricots and prunes, ripe fruits, baked apples and pureed fresh ones, boiled carrots and beets, mashed cauliflower, pumpkin and zucchini, fermented milk drinks. If you are overweight, fasting days are prescribed, once a week.

For patients with severe circulatory failure when standard dietary nutrition is ineffective, the Carrel diet may be recommended. Its effect is due to the alkaline nature of foods (milk up to 7 times a day, salt-free bread, rice porridge, soft-boiled eggs, mashed potatoes), as well as the restriction of fluids and the exclusion of salt. This is food of sharply reduced energy value. Periodically, for different periods, a potassium diet can be prescribed, which helps normalize water-salt metabolism and increases urination.

With progressive heart failure, cardiac cachexia develops (severe degree of exhaustion), which is a factor in reducing the life expectancy of patients. This condition is an indication for nutritional support. The presence of cardiac cachexia is considered if there is a weight loss exceeding 5 kg in 6 months or a BMI less than 19 kg/m2.

Artificial nutrition for CHF allows you to increase the patient’s body weight, ventricular ejection fraction and reduce the functional class of failure. Before the appointment, the patient’s energy needs are determined (the basal metabolic rate is calculated) using the Harris-Benedict method using formulas. They take into account the patient’s activity (walking, bed or semi-bed rest), condition (after surgery or injury, peritonitis, cachexia, etc.), as well as the patient’s temperature. Then the patient’s protein deficiency is determined by the daily nitrogen balance.

A negative nitrogen balance indicates a predominance of protein losses over intake. Loss of protein means a decrease in muscle mass by 500–750 g, respectively. The level of protein deficiency and weight deficiency is decisive when prescribing enteral nutrition.

High-calorie artificial nutrition can be used as additional or basic support for the patient. If the digestive function is preserved, the patient receives it in the form of a drink in the usual way or using a tube (in severely ill patients). Oligopeptide mixtures are used, for example, Peptamen or standard nutrients - Nutrizon, Nutren, Berlamin Modular, Nutrilan MST.

They start taking these medications with small doses (5% of the energy requirement) and the patient must take enzyme preparations. The volume of energy replenishment, and, consequently, the volume of the mixture, is gradually increased every 7 days.

For severe decompensation of CHF, mixtures based on hydrolyzed proteins, fats (medium chain triglycerides) and carbohydrates (maltodextrin) are optimal. Taking mixtures corrects metabolic disorders, increases exercise endurance and slows down the development of CHF.

Authorized Products

Nutrition for heart failure in non-severe patients includes:

  • Wheat bread, slightly dried and salt-free, sponge cake, savory cookies.
  • Vegetarian soups (with potatoes, cereals, vegetables), beetroot soup. Sour cream, herbs, lemon or citric acid are added to soups.
  • Low-fat varieties of veal and beef, chicken, pork, rabbit, turkey. The meat is pre-boiled and used for subsequent baking and frying. You can cook any dishes from minced meat.
  • Low-fat types of fish and moderately fatty ones. The cooking techniques are the same as for meat - they are boiled and then fried, cutlets and meatballs are prepared. Any boiled seafood products are allowed. Fish is considered an easily digestible product, so it should be included in the diet 3-4 times a week, replacing meat dishes.
  • Dairy products of medium fat content, cottage cheese and dishes made from it, fermented milk drinks. Sour cream, cream, fatty and salty cheese are consumed with restrictions.
  • One egg per day (baked omelettes, soft-boiled eggs).
  • Any cereal according to tolerance and preference. They are used to prepare porridge with milk and water, casseroles and puddings. Boiled pasta and vermicelli are allowed.
  • Vegetables you can eat: potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, tomatoes, green lettuce, cucumbers. Most vegetables are cooked boiled or baked. You can add green onions, parsley and dill to ready-made dishes. Remember that cabbage and green peas can cause bloating, so consume them sparingly.
  • Salads from fresh vegetables, vinaigrettes, vegetable stew and caviar, and any salads with seafood are allowed.
  • Ripe fruits and berries, all dried fruits (raisins are limited), milk jelly, compotes, jelly, honey, jam, mousses, jellies, and creams, caramel, marmalade. Chocolate consumption is limited.
  • Homemade vegetable, sour cream, tomato, milk, onion, fruit sauces. You can add bay leaf, citric acid, dried herbs, vanillin, and cinnamon to dishes.
  • Weak tea and natural coffee, green tea with lemon, cocoa, coffee drinks, any juices (except grape), rosehip infusion.
  • Unsalted butter, various vegetable oils. Olive oil is rich in oleic acid, and sources of omega-6 fatty acids are: cottonseed, corn, sunflower.

Table of permitted products

Vegetables and greens



Nuts and dried fruits

Cereals and porridges

Bakery products


Raw materials and seasonings


Cheeses and cottage cheese

Meat products



Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Non-alcoholic drinks

Fully or partially limited products

  • Fresh bread, pastry and cream products.
  • It is not allowed to consume meat/fish/mushroom broths or legume soups.
  • Prohibited are fatty varieties of pork, cooking fats, kidneys, liver, goose, sausages, duck, canned smoked foods, very fatty fish, canned food, fish caviar, salted and smoked fish products.
  • Fatty dairy products.
  • Vegetables with coarse fiber (radish, radish, turnip, rutabaga), mushrooms, sorrel and spinach due to their high uric acid content.
  • Strong tea and coffee are prohibited; they can be consumed weak and with milk. Chocolate can be consumed very rarely.
  • Mustard, horseradish and pepper.
  • The consumption of dishes made from legumes, grape juice, and cabbage is limited, as they cause bloating.
  • In case of obesity, simple carbohydrates (sugar, honey, jam, sweet fruits, grapes and dried grapes, ice cream, sweet confectionery) are significantly limited.

Table of prohibited products

Vegetables and greens




Nuts and dried fruits


Ice cream



Raw materials and seasonings


Cheeses and cottage cheese

Meat products



Fish and seafood

Oils and fats

Non-alcoholic drinks

* data is per 100 g of product

Menu (Power Mode)

Knowing the permitted foods and methods of preparing them, it is not difficult to create a diet, especially since there are not so many restrictions. The main condition is to prepare dishes without salt and add the amount of salt allowed for the whole day. To fulfill this requirement, you need to give up ready-made meat and fish products, cheeses that contain salt. For the whole day you can consume 150 g of white stale salt-free bread, a dog of sugar and 15 g of butter.

  • rice porridge in milk with dried apricots;
  • tea with milk.
  • cottage cheese with raisins;
  • fruit juice.
  • cabbage soup in vegetable broth;
  • steamed beef meatballs;
  • dried fruits compote.
  • baked apple with dried fruits.
  • pike perch, baked;
  • potatoes in skin;
  • tomato juice.
  • apple or 100 ml juice.
  • oatmeal porridge with milk and raisins;
  • egg;
  • vegetable stew.
  • pearl barley soup;
  • Boiled beef;
  • stewed carrots;
  • dried apricot jelly.
  • orange.
  • fish cutlets;
  • tea with milk.
  • kefir.
  • rice milk porridge;
  • soft-boiled egg;
  • carrot-pumpkin casserole with dried fruits;
  • weak tea.
  • cottage cheese with dried apricots.
  • broccoli soup;
  • boiled chicken;
  • carrot cutlets;
  • apricot compote
  • fruit jelly.
  • baked fish;
  • boiled potatoes in skins;
  • yogurt or juice.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • The food system is accessible in composition and varied.
  • A balanced diet allows you to constantly implement it.
  • Improves the functional abilities of the heart, helps eliminate edema and lower blood pressure.
  • Limiting salt and sweets is difficult for many to tolerate.

Heart failure is a serious condition in which normal blood flow in the internal organs and tissues of the body is disrupted due to pathologies in the pumping function of the heart. Chronic manifestations of the syndrome worsen the quality of life of patients: they quickly get tired, suffer from shortness of breath and edema, as well as from tissue hypoxia.

Treatment of this disease includes both drug therapy and lifestyle and diet adjustments. Nutrition for heart failure is aimed at reducing the load on the myocardium, removing fluid and normalizing the salt balance of the body.

In case of cardiac dysfunction, the menu is based on several principles:

  • Reduce the amount of salt to 5 g per day. This includes not only the pure additive in dishes, but also its content in finished products: bread, sausages, milk, juices, etc.
  • Fractional distribution of the diet (from 5 meals per day).
  • Reducing the volume of fluid consumed. The amount of free water, including juices and other drinks, should be 0.7–1.2 liters per day. It is not recommended to reduce this norm, as the work of the excretory systems is complicated.
  • Controlling the volume of urine excreted. To avoid edema, it is necessary not only to reduce the intake of fluid, but also to stimulate its elimination with the help of natural diuretics (rose hip infusion, dried fruits, berries).
  • Reduce the amount of sugar, sweets and flour.
  • Restoring normal pH balance in the body. A feature of heart pathologies is a violation of the acid-base balance of the gastrointestinal tract. You can level it out with the help of alkaline foods: apples, greens, zucchini, pumpkins, beets, cucumbers, etc.
  • Mandatory gentle heat treatment of products. Acceptable methods include boiling, steaming, and baking. To prevent active gas formation in the intestines, avoid eating raw vegetables (except for lettuce, tomatoes and cucumbers).
  • Accounting for related violations. In case of diabetes mellitus, the amount of carbohydrates is limited more strictly, and in case of atherosclerosis, the nutritional value of the daily diet should be reduced by a third compared to the usual norm by reducing the consumption of fats (eggs, offal, lard, fatty meat, some types of fish).

If you follow all the rules for creating a diet, your health improves and the effectiveness of drug therapy increases.

The most common diets for heart failure: menu according to Carrel, table No. 10 and No. 10a according to Pevzner. The Carrel Diet places stricter restrictions on the consumption of meat, fish and hot spices. The need for proteins and calcium is met with dairy products, in particular, low-fat boiled milk.

The Carrel diet is based on four salt-free diets, which are applied sequentially. The first consists only of 700 ml of warm milk and 100 ml of rosehip decoction, which are drunk in fractions. The other three include small amounts of solid food. This diet is recommended for severe cardiac dysfunction or as a preparatory procedure before switching to the Pevzner diet. The duration of the stage is 2 weeks.

Diet No. 10

Salt consumption is limited to 6 g; it is assumed that 2–3 g of seasoning is already contained in products, so no more than 3 g of salt can be added. The amount of decoctions, juices, jelly, pure water, soups is reduced to 1.2 liters, of which mineral water can be no more than 400 ml. Bread consumption should be reduced to 250 g per day, sugar to 30 g.

It is recommended to increase the share of products containing potassium and magnesium compounds (potatoes, dried apricots, prunes, apples, nuts, spinach), as well as other vegetables and dairy products. It is allowed to eat lean fish and meat.

The nutritional value of the daily diet should be:

  • no more than 2500 kcal;
  • 90 g proteins;
  • up to 70 g of fats (at least 20 g of vegetable fats);
  • up to 400 g of carbohydrates.

Diet No. 10a

Table No. 10a has more stringent rules and is intended for patients with IIB-III degree of insufficiency. All food is prepared without salt; frying is completely prohibited. Dishes are served grounded and only warm.

The amount of liquid is reduced from 1.2 liters to 600–700 ml per day, bread consumption - to 150 g. Nutritional value of diet No. 10a:

  • up to 2000 kcal;
  • 50–60 g of proteins;
  • 50 g fats (up to 15 g vegetable);
  • 300 g carbohydrates.

Meals six times a day.

Healthy foods

Approved products for heart failure include:

  • Bread made from 1-2 grade flour or with bran, stale white bread, baked goods without eggs and butter. Whenever possible, all products are produced salt-free.
  • Soups (excluded in diet No. 10a). The broth for the dish can be lean, weak meat or fish.
  • Low-fat meat (rabbit, chicken, veal) and fish (hake, pike perch, cod).
  • Vegetables. Unripe peas and white cabbage are allowed in limited quantities. Only tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and grated carrots can be eaten raw.
  • Cereals and pasta.
  • Eggs (2-3 pieces per week). Protein omelets, boiled eggs, and meringues are recommended. Fried eggs are prohibited.
  • Butter and vegetable oil.
  • Fermented milk products and low-fat milk.
  • Drinks from fruits and berries (compote, jelly, juice, smoothies), mineral water, herbal and rose hip decoctions, weak tea and coffee drinks diluted with milk.
  • Fruits and dried fruits.
  • Sweets (sugar, natural jelly, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jam, dry biscuits, baked fruits).
  • Natural vegetable and low-fat milk sauces, herbs, some spices (cinnamon, cloves, dried bay).
  • Dietary snacks (sliced ​​vegetables and fruits, a small amount of cheese and lightly salted fish).

Foods to Avoid

In case of heart failure, the following should be excluded from the menu:

  • black tea and coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • offal, seafood with high cholesterol content;
  • smoked meats, marinades, spicy, fatty and salty dishes;
  • strong broths;
  • chocolate;
  • carbonated sweet drinks.

Restrictions are also imposed on some vegetables that provoke flatulence: cabbage, onions, radishes, garlic, beans, peas.

Fasting days

If the symptoms of the disease become intense, doctors recommend not only changing the drug therapy regimen, but also carrying out fasting days.

The most suitable fasting day recipe and frequency of use is prescribed by the doctor.

Example menu

Despite the strictness of the rules, the diet for heart failure can be adapted for every day. Table No. 10 is suitable not only for myocardial pathologies, but also for weight loss and prevention.

  • Breakfast: 200 g of milk porridge with 5–10 g of butter, an omelet of 2 proteins, weak tea with milk or honey.
  • Lunch: 100 g grated carrots with sour cream and raisins.
  • Lunch: ½ serving of borscht, 100 g of baked veal with a vegetable side dish and 50 g of steamed prunes with 2-4 nuts.
  • Afternoon snack: raw or baked apple, a cup of rose hip broth.
  • Dinner: 80–100 g cottage cheese with sour cream, 200 g vegetable cutlets or side dish, tea with milk.
  • Second dinner: half a cup of warm milk.

Treatment of heart failure must be comprehensive. Some patients trust their health to traditional medicine, for example, the methods of Professor Neumyvakin, who advises using ordinary hydrogen peroxide in therapy. However, a combination of medications and a gentle diet rich in potassium and magnesium salts is invariably considered more effective.

A group of drugs such as diuretics for hypertension and heart failure are always used. They are aimed at removing excess water, which causes swelling and increases blood pressure. What diuretics for heart failure will help eliminate the disease, their classification and types, and what kind of traditional medicine works no worse than medications?

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general information

Diuretics for diseases of the cardiovascular system are used to reduce high water levels in the body and normalize blood pressure. In case of acute heart failure, intravenous administration of diuretics is indicated, and in case of CHF, the patient uses drugs from the synthetic industry and homemade decoctions and infusions, which is also effective and brings positive results.

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Mechanism of action of diuretics in hypertension and heart failure

Diuretic therapy for cardiovascular diseases, CHF and edema helps to reduce fluid, which accumulates in excess inside the vessels. Excessive fluid accumulation provokes the development of arterial hypertension, which is dangerous for the patient’s health. In addition to increased pressure, the patient's return of venous blood to the heart decreases. But you need to remember that the drugs are prescribed by a doctor, who is based on the results of tests and studies. Self-medication and uncontrolled use of diuretics provokes the development of complications and deterioration of a person’s condition.

Scheme of action of diuretics. Return to contents

Classification and prescription for hypertensive patients

Depending on how such drugs act on the body, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Loop diuretics are the most commonly used. They cause a diuretic effect, reducing the reabsorption of sodium and chlorine elements, while enhancing the process of potassium excretion. This causes a decrease in the concentrating ability of the kidneys, water is rapidly excreted, and swelling subsides.
  2. Thiazide diuretics concentrate in the cartilaginous region and prevent potassium and sodium from being absorbed. If loop and thiazide diuretics are taken uncontrolled, there is a risk of hypokalemia, which is dangerous to the life and health of the patient. Thiazide diuretics for renal failure do not have the desired effect, therefore, after eliminating the symptoms of the disease, they are replaced with loop ones.
  3. Potassium-sparing drugs provoke the production of sodium, this is a consequence of potassium retention in the body. The action occurs at the level of the distal tubules, where the exchange of such elements takes place in tissue cells.
  4. Osmotic drugs affect the structure of urine excreted and are not effective for treatment of heart disease.
  5. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors reduce the active properties of the enzyme, which provokes a decrease in the production of carbonic acid. As a result, the absorption of sodium ions decreases and water is excreted.

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Synthetic drugs

Diuretics are prescribed only by a doctor.

All drugs that are a product of the artificial industry are divided into groups depending on how potent the effect they will have on the body in case of heart failure. Therefore, we must remember that independent choice and use of medications is dangerous for the patient. Diuretics are prescribed only by a doctor after receiving the results of tests and diagnostic examinations.

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Strong effect on cardiac edema

Potent diuretic drugs of this group eliminate signs of heart disease; they are taken both orally and intravenously. A representative of this group is Furosemide. To stop the decompensation of a chronic process, the doctor prescribes a diuretic in tablet form to the patient. You need to drink them not every day, but according to a special scheme, but at least 4 times a week. If a person has such manifestations, then taking diuretics is prohibited:

  • with atrophy of kidney tissue, which is accompanied by a lack of urine in the bladder;
  • in case of imbalance of fluid and electrolytes in the body;
  • with a decrease in sodium in the blood.

Diuretics of this type disrupt the balance of fluid and electrolytes in the body. Before prescribing medications, the doctor warns the patient about the danger of developing symptoms such as:

  • vascular collapse, which develops when blood volumes in the body decrease;
  • hypotension;
  • attacks of arrhythmia and convulsions, the appearance of which means a lack of magnesium and potassium elements;
  • thromboembolism, which manifests itself against the background of an increase in the viscous properties of blood;
  • neurological diseases.

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Average diuretic for the heart

The drug is used as an auxiliary for severe edema and heart disease.

Moderately effective diuretics are used as auxiliary drugs for severe edema and heart disease, as well as for the treatment of heart patients in whom the disease has become chronic. Representatives of this group are Indapamide, Hypothiazide, Chlorthalidone. The medicine, once in the body, begins to act in 45-60 minutes, the duration of exposure is 8-24 hours, depending on the state of health and the severity of the disease. If acute attacks occur in heart patients, then the dosage of the drug is allowed to be increased, but in case of a chronic illness, the dose cannot be increased, as the following consequences develop:

  1. The amount of potassium and magnesium in the blood decreases.
  2. The level of calcium and urea increases.
  3. Blood pressure decreases.
  4. The patient is worried about dizziness, pain, nausea and fatigue.
  5. Symptoms of dyspepsia appear.
  6. Blood glucose increases, so patients with diabetes need to take medications carefully.
  7. Symptoms of arrhythmia are disturbing.

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Gentle diuretics

This group of drugs belongs to potassium-sparing diuretics and has an unexpressed diuretic effect. More often indicated for use in the treatment of long-term chronic cardiovascular diseases (CHF). Do not use for acute attacks and severe deterioration of the condition. Representatives of this group are Triamterene and Spironolactone tablets. If diuretics from different groups are included in the treatment regimen, it will be possible to reduce the risk of developing water-electrolyte imbalance, but then it is necessary to monitor the level of fluctuations in potassium and magnesium ions.

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Folk remedies and herbs for heart disease

Natural diuretics cope with attacks of heart failure and CHF no worse than synthetic ones, and with long-term use they reduce the risk of relapses. Diuretic herbs are most often used for heart failure; infusions, tinctures and decoctions are prepared from them. These drugs have a diuretic effect and help eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The following infusions and decoctions have effective properties:

  1. Natural diuretics help relieve symptoms of the disease, while being gentle on the body.

    Infusion of birch buds. Take 1 tbsp. l. buds, juniper fruits and horsetail leaves, combine, place in a teapot and pour boiling water to the top. Let it brew for 2-3 hours, then consume half a glass 4 times a day.

  2. Infusion of yarrow. 1 tbsp. l. Pour boiling water over dried and chopped herbs, cover the container and let it brew in a warm place. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of string, mint and yarrow. Grind the herbs, place in a thermos and pour boiling water. After 3-4 hours, drink 1/3 glass each time before meals.

Cardiac glycosides are preparations based on foxglove plants, strophanium seed and lily of the valley berries. Glycosides make it possible to ensure that the heart contracts more strongly, which is important in case of failure and the development of an attack. But we must remember that such drugs are poisonous and uncontrolled use is life-threatening. Infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs help relieve the symptoms of the disease, while being gentle on the body. But you need to remember that before using folk remedies you need to consult a doctor, since self-treatment causes side effects, some of them are life-threatening.

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Building Resilience

Often, with long-term use of diuretic drugs, a person develops resistance and then the therapy becomes ineffective. The urine excreted with the help of medications decreases, symptoms of fluid retention increase, swelling and deterioration in well-being appear. This situation is dangerous during a heart attack, since it is not possible to reduce the pressure and fluid level in the vessels. The reasons for this situation are:

  • a decrease in blood fluidity, resulting in a decrease in its intravascular volume;
  • sodium reabsorption;
  • with neurohormonal activation;
  • due to impaired renal function, tubular secretion decreases;
  • decreased blood supply to kidney tissue;
  • problems with the absorption of drugs;
  • violation of the therapeutic diet and consumption of large amounts of salt.

To avoid severe consequences and cope with resistance to diuretics, you need to follow a diet and water-salt balance, adjust your medication regimen, change the method of taking the drug, monitor your kidney function, and follow all the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions. Diuretics help remove the symptoms of the disease, facilitate the functioning of the cardiovascular system, but do not treat the root cause.

A huge number of people suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Recently, problems of the heart and blood vessels have begun to worry people already at the age of 30-40 years. A severe outcome of such diseases is heart failure - a condition when the heart cannot cope with its job. The main symptom of this disease is swelling associated with fluid retention in the body. This is due not only to a violation of the contractile function of the heart, but also to significant disturbances in metabolic processes in the organs, tissues and cells of the body. The role of diet is very important in the treatment of heart failure. What are its basic principles?

1.Limit your salt intake.

In heart failure, water-salt metabolism is impaired. Salt attracts water, which causes the blood vessels to overflow with fluid and significantly complicates the functioning of the heart. For this reason, salt intake should not exceed 5-6 g per day, including salt already contained in prepared meals and products. For cooking, salt with a low sodium content is recommended - it tastes practically no different from regular salt. In case of exacerbation of heart failure and in the presence of significant edema, food should be prepared without using salt at all. To prevent food from seeming bland, use herbs.

2. Drink no more than 1-1.2 liters of liquid per day.

This amount should include soups, tea, compotes, juices, etc. You also can’t drink less, otherwise it will be difficult to remove nitrogenous metabolic products, and weakness and constipation may appear. It is better to quench your thirst with weak tea, maybe fruit tea. We recommend weak coffee or with milk, juices – half and half with water. It is recommended to drink no more than 1-2 glasses of mineral water per day.

3. Enrich your diet with potassium and magnesium salts.

Potassium has a diuretic effect, that is, it accelerates the release of excess fluid from the body. Its deficiency can lead to life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the heart muscle, and magnesium is necessary for blood vessels.

A lot of potassium is found in dried apricots, prunes, bananas, peaches, apricots, nuts, beets, potatoes and cabbage (red, cauliflower, white - boiled or stewed), rose hips, citrus fruits (especially oranges and grapefruits), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), berries (black and red currants, raspberries, cherries, gooseberries, cranberries).

Cereals, bread and nuts (especially walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts), sunflower seeds, seaweed, watermelon are rich in magnesium.

4. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.

The volume of food eaten at one time is essential. A large amount of food entering the stomach leads to its overflow and elevation of the diaphragm, which negatively affects the functioning of the heart. You need to eat at least 5 times a day. The last time you eat should be no later than 4-5 hours before bedtime. You can eat no more than 2-3 pieces of white or black bread per day.

5. Include more “alkalizing” foods in your menu.

In heart failure, the acid-base balance shifts to the acidic side. Milk and fermented milk products, vegetables (lettuce, beets, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkin, cauliflower, potatoes), herbs, fruits (pears and apples), and berries will help restore it.

If you are prone to flatulence, it is better to use most vegetables stewed or baked. You can eat ripe tomatoes, lettuce, cucumbers, and grated carrots raw. In your diet, you should limit foods that cause flatulence (white cabbage, garlic, onions, radishes, legumes, carbonated drinks).

6 Limit your sugar intake.

It also contributes to the appearance of edema. Consider everything: candy, cake, cookies, honey, buns, ice cream. During the day you are allowed to eat 4-5 sweets or 6 teaspoons of sugar, honey, jam, preserves. You can eat no more than 100 g of all sweets in terms of sugar per day.

7 Avoid fatty foods.

This puts extra strain on your liver and heart, especially if you are overweight. Use vegetable oil for cooking. Replace mayonnaise with low-fat sour cream, but you should not overuse it either. You can eat no more than 1 teaspoon of butter per day. Include relatively low-fat varieties of cheese (18-20% fat) in your diet, but no more than one slice per day.

8. Forget about chocolate, strong, rich broths, fried and smoked meats, spicy dishes and spices.

All these products negatively affect the functioning of the heart.

9. Give preference to porridges, boiled, stewed and baked dishes.

They can be prepared from lean meat (beef, veal) and lean fish (pike perch, cod, pike, navaga, hake, ice fish). Use skinless chicken and turkey. Vegetable side dishes are better (potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, carrots). Soups are preferably vegetarian and dairy.

10. Periodically spend fasting days.

These could be, for example, cottage cheese-milk, apple or rice-compote fasting days. This is what the diet looks like on a cottage cheese-apple fasting day: for the whole day you will need 300 g of cottage cheese, 500 g of apples, 400 ml of milk or kefir. If you are not overweight, you can add 200-300 g of boiled potatoes. Divide all these products into 5-6 doses.

When taking care of your diet, refer to the following:

Sample menu for the day


Buckwheat porridge (oatmeal) – 6-8 tbsp. spoons (options: cottage cheese - 150 g; cottage cheese casserole; cheesecakes) and ½ glass of milk. Sandwich with butter if desired. A glass of weak tea.


Fresh or baked apple (options: pear; 5-6 pieces of soaked dried apricots; banana).


Vegetarian soup, boiled meat (options: fish, chicken, turkey) with stewed carrots (options: stewed beets, stewed cabbage, tomato and cucumber salad with sunflower oil), dried fruit compote or fruit drink.

Afternoon snack

Apple (options: pear; a glass of rosehip decoction; 6-8 pieces of soaked dried apricots).

Dinner (no later than 19.00)

Boiled fish with 1-2 boiled potatoes (options: porridge with a slice of cheese, cottage cheese, carrot-apple casserole).

Before bedtime You can drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Treatment of heart failure is carried out under the supervision of a cardiologist, but the success of treatment largely depends on the participation of the patient himself. With a mild form of heart failure, at an early stage of the disease, it is enough to change your diet and lifestyle (quitting smoking and drinking alcohol, physical activity). Often this helps to completely eliminate swelling, normalize weight, get rid of shortness of breath and thereby remove excess stress from the heart.

The human heart works in a certain rhythm: it pumps a certain amount of blood through the vessels in a given period of time in order to supply all organs and systems with it. Sometimes the heart muscle cannot cope with the load, and this is due to myocardial injury, a decrease in the frequency of contractions, an increase in pressure or the amount of blood. This condition is called heart failure.

In addition to taking prescribed medications, the patient needs to take care of normalizing his own lifestyle, eliminating stress, minimizing physical activity and maximizing the health of the body. An equally important point is to review your diet. After all, food serves as energy for our body; the intensity of the heart’s work depends on its quantity and quality. In combination with external negative factors, “wrong” food can aggravate the situation, accelerating the wear and tear of the most important organ.

What is heart failure

Restrictions in the work of the heart weaken it, as a result of which the blood cannot circulate fully. When left ventricular failure is diagnosed, pulmonary function stagnates and attacks of cardiac asthma occur. Right ventricular failure leads to stagnation of blood in the liver, accumulation of fluid in the cavities, swelling of the lower back and lower extremities.

Inadequate blood flow leads to a lack of oxygen for internal organs and tissues. Oxygen starvation leads to the development of acidosis and the accumulation of unprocessed metabolic products - lactic acid. Increased metabolism and disrupted protein metabolism provoke exhaustion of the body. Edema indicates a violation of the water-salt balance.

The main task of the diet used for heart failure is to stimulate the myocardium and eliminate swelling. This diagnosis is accompanied by sodium stagnation, which means limiting salt intake during diet therapy. In addition, the patient is prohibited from drinking a lot of liquid: the permissible limit is 1–1.2 liters per day.

Nutrition for heart failure should compensate for the lack of potassium, which removes excess fluid and helps stimulate the rhythmic functioning of the heart. Magnesium is also very important in the diet, as it activates enzymes, speeds up metabolism, and regulates acidity. Impaired myocardial function often leads to impaired calcium metabolism. A reduced content of this microelement causes convulsions, and without it normal blood clotting is impossible.

Basic principles of nutrition

The rules surrounding basic therapy are strict. To achieve a positive result, especially in old age, you must adhere to the following dietary principles:

  1. Mode. Be sure to eat fractional meals, divided into 5-6 meals. It is better to eat little by little; you can divide your usual portion in half (for lunch and dinner).
  2. Overeating - an abundance of food eaten at one time puts a lot of strain on the heart, it must cope with energy processing. The blood vessels and myocardium will be unloaded if you lower cholesterol levels, get rid of excess fat reserves, and monitor your body weight.
  3. Liquid is limited to one liter per day. This includes soups, tea and other drinks. Tea and coffee should not be strong; they need to be diluted with milk. Water - maximum two glasses, juices should not be concentrated. The fluid complicates the work of the heart, forming edema.
  4. Salt. The work of the heart is complicated by the abundance of fluid, which is the result of excessive salt intake. The norm is about 5 g per day, and ideally it is better to consume it as little as possible, up to complete refusal.
  5. Microelements. Improve metabolism, activate metabolic processes. The main roles here are played by magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium. Potassium-rich foods promote fluid removal, cope with edema, and activate myocardial contractility. Due to the lack of the element, toxins are retained in the tissues, and the heart muscle is depleted. Calcium deficiency leads to pain and cramps; this occurs naturally in heart failure. Magnesium is necessary to enrich the composition of plasma and blood. Phosphorus is involved in all metabolic processes.
  6. Prohibited: spicy foods, smoked foods, fried meat, spices, chocolate, rich broths. All this increases blood pressure, speeds up the heart, preventing it from relaxing.
  7. Fats. Foods rich in fat should be excluded from the diet. Butter is strictly limited to one teaspoon per day, season salads and cook only with sunflower oil. You can eat cheese, but not more than one small piece per day. The product should not be salty.
  8. Bread. You are allowed to eat a couple of pieces of white or black bread a day.
  9. Sweet. It provokes swelling, so the maximum amount should be reduced to 6 teaspoons of granulated sugar, or replaced with honey, or eaten 4 candies.
  10. Alkaline foods. In heart failure, the acid-base balance is disturbed, the acidic environment intensifies, and then shortness of breath, arrhythmia, etc. occur. Therefore, emphasis should be placed on alkaline foods, eating:
  • berries;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • spinach;
  • fresh herbs;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • tomatoes;
  • dairy and fermented milk products.
  1. Basic diet. The following products are useful:
  • porridges from different types of cereals;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • lean fish;
  • first courses (preferably vegetarian or dairy);
  • baked or boiled potatoes;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

Heart disease is accompanied by a lack of minerals and some vitamins, and a special diet is designed to fill all the missing gaps, thus normalizing the blood circulation process.

Products Can It is forbidden
Dairy A glass of milk is a mandatory daily norm, and in addition to it, neutral cheeses, kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt are also useful Spicy and too salty cheeses
Meat There are no special restrictions, the main thing is that it is prepared in the right way. Avoid frying as it promotes the formation of cholesterol. Chicken, beef, veal, rabbit, turkey are best boiled, baked or steamed. You need to remove the skin from the bird. Highly rich broths from chicken, beef, pork, lard, shish kebab, spicy, smoked, salted meat. Reduce the amount of animal fat in food, eat liver, heart, kidneys and other offal less often
Fish You can boil fish soup or bake low-fat fish like cod, navaga, pollock, pike perch, mackerel, etc. in foil without oil. Cook strong fish broths, eat smoked, dried, salted fish, as well as caviar
Bakery products Wheat bread, crackers, bran, crispbread, shortbread Pancakes, baked goods, pancakes, puff pastry
Fruits, berries Strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, pears, watermelons, apples, citrus fruits, apricots, currants, bananas, persimmons, grapes, prunes. You can also make dried fruits, preserves, jams, marmalade from them
Vegetables Tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, potatoes, lettuce, beets It is better to limit radishes and radishes, as they provoke excessive gas formation. For the same reason, you should consume white cabbage, pickles, marinades and pickled vegetables to a minimum.
Cereals Rice, buckwheat, semolina and oatmeal. You can cook them with water or milk. It is better to choose pasta from durum wheat Beans, peas, and lentils should be limited in quantities, as they cause flatulence. Add minimal oil to porridge
Beverages Kissel, compote, weak tea with lemon, weak coffee with milk, chicory as an alternative to coffee, juices and fruits, vegetables and berries Alcohol, carbonated drinks, cocoa, hot chocolate, strong tea and coffee, grape juice

Vegetarian dishes will be an excellent basis for your daily diet; you can treat yourself to baked meat a couple of times a month and on holidays. You can cook soups with cereals, and also eat boiled eggs, but not more than three eggs a week. It is better to exclude mushrooms from your menu for a while, because they require a lot of energy to digest, and they may contain toxins.

Sample menu for a patient

Diet for heart failure requires adherence to three basic rules:

  • fractional meals;
  • healthy food;
  • light diet.

Based on this, you can create a tentative menu for the day.

  1. Breakfast: 100 g of milk with cheesecakes, pudding or cottage cheese, you can eat buckwheat or oatmeal. Alternatively - tea with milk, bread and butter.
  2. Second breakfast: snack with fruit: apple, pear, banana or dried apricots.
  3. Lunch: soup without meat, boiled poultry, steamed fish. Garnish: stewed cabbage, beetroot or carrot puree, salad of fresh green vegetables, seasoned with vegetable oil.
  4. Afternoon snack: a glass of rosehip infusion, dried apricots or an apple.
  5. Dinner: boiled fish with potatoes, cottage cheese, porridge or apple and carrot casserole. Dinner should be no later than seven in the evening.
  6. Second dinner: a glass of yogurt or kefir.

Fasting days

Fasting days are no less effective. They can replace diets for heart failure, but only if the stage of the disease is not too advanced.

So, we present several options for fasting days:

  1. Apples and cottage cheese. Half a kilo of apples plus two glasses of kefir or milk, supplemented with 300 g of cottage cheese. If you are not overweight, you can add 200–300 g of baked or boiled potatoes.
  2. Compote and rice. 1–1.2 l. compote without sugar and a small portion of rice twice a day.
  3. Apple day. You are allowed to eat up to 1.5 kg of fruit, which can be supplemented with a mug of coffee with milk or 4 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice.
  4. Cottage cheese with kefir. Divide one liter of kefir and 300 g of cottage cheese per day.

It is better to eat strictly by the hour, and the diet menu should be rationalized by the attending physician, selecting suitable products for a particular case, taking into account the age and other characteristics of the patient’s body.

Products for heart failure play no less a role than drug treatment.

A properly selected diet will enhance the effectiveness of medications and speed up recovery.

Proper nutrition for heart failure is one of the main types of prevention of exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. Complex treatment, including, in addition to medical therapy, the possibilities of a natural pharmacy, a balanced diet and an attitude of recovery, demonstrate amazing results.

How to properly organize nutrition with a weakened heart

Even ancient healers conveyed to us a simple but important truth: food is medicine. Pure products of plant and animal origin improve blood biochemistry, tone the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Raspberries, familiar from childhood, cleanse blood vessels. Pears can calm your heart rate. Black currant thins the blood and reduces atherosclerotic manifestations.

The diet for heart failure consists of a number of fundamental principles, unconditional adherence to which helps eliminate or significantly alleviate negative symptoms.

Attention: any diet must be agreed with your doctor!

Limited water and salt intake

Heart failure is accompanied (at a minimum!) by deviations in blood pressure and swelling caused by stagnation of excess fluid in the body. From this point of view, control of the volume of consumption of water, drinks, and liquid dishes plays a paramount role. When liquids enter narrowed vessels, they increase pressure on their walls. Since the heart does not fully cope with the removal of excess, the limbs begin to swell. The provocative role of salt in this situation is obvious: it causes thirst and retains water.

To reduce disturbances in water-salt metabolism, doctors recommend:

  • establish a drinking regimen for yourself every day - 1000 or 1200 ml of water, taking into account drinks and liquid nutrition;
  • remember that lack of water causes weakness and stool retention. Therefore, you should not go to extremes;
  • Brew tea weakly, preferably with fruit; coffee - light, with milk; reduce the concentration of juices by half; You can drink up to half a liter of mineral water;
  • do not exceed the norm of 5-6 g. salt (preferably a low-sodium variety) per day, and if swelling increases, avoid it completely;
  • To make salt-free dishes more appetizing, add a little herbs.

Normalization of potassium-magnesium balance

A lack of potassium and magnesium depresses cardiovascular tone, since these microelements constitute the main content of cells.

When replenishing potassium deficiency, fluid outflow improves. Magnesium in the right concentration has a beneficial effect on blood pressure and peripheral blood flow.

A high percentage of potassium is contained in:

  • dried fruits - dried apricots, prunes;
  • fresh apricots, peaches, bananas, oranges, grapefruits;
  • currants, gooseberries, cranberries, cloudberries, cherries, raspberries;
  • rose hips, nuts;
  • buckwheat, oats, rice;
  • potatoes, bell pepper.

The following foods are rich in magnesium:

  • cereals, baked goods;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • seaweed;
  • watermelons.

Fractional meals

Poor nutrition in heart failure, a full stomach - all this creates extra stress on the heart muscle. Breaking down 5 or 6 servings a day prevents strong feelings of hunger from appearing. Knowing that in a short period of time you will be able to snack again, it is psychologically easier to limit yourself to a small amount of food. With slow, long chewing, the feeling of fullness will come just before the end of the modest meal. After 19.00 - only a glass of kefir at night.

Products that reduce gastrointestinal acidity

One of the disorders with weakened activity of the heart center is increased acidity.

The following foods will help you adjust your acid-base balance:

  • fresh milk and sour dairy products;
  • vegetables - beets, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, cauliflower, potatoes, greens, lettuce;
  • fruits - pears, apples;
  • berries.

Often, a weakened body reacts to fresh plant foods with flatulence. The “problem” group includes white cabbage, peas, beans, onions, garlic, and radish. Carbonated drinks are not recommended.

All varieties of tomatoes and cucumbers, lettuce, and carrots are well digested. The remaining permitted plant products are prepared by stewing and baking.

Less sweets

Sugar, like salt, is a large drink that accumulates in the body. The concept of “sugar” includes confectionery, sweet pastries, fruit preparations (jams), honey.

Consumption of sugar and products containing it is no more than 100 g/day. You can also allow yourself a choice of 4-5 sweets, 5-6 tsp. sugar, honey, jam, confiture, preserves.

Reducing fat intake

Fatty foods bring unhealthy cholesterol. Plaques occupy the internal surfaces of blood vessels, blood flow decreases, and the liver works at its limit. Clusters of fat hang over the heart and accumulate under the skin.

The diet accomplishes the primary task of losing weight and reducing the load, first of all, on the heart.

The following products will help:

  • in cooking - priority to vegetable oils (reduce butter to 1 tsp per day);
  • meat, fish - only lean ones (beef, chicken, turkey, pollock, hake, cod, perch, blue whiting);
  • cabbage, potato, squash, carrot garnishes;
  • first courses on the water;
  • milk soups;
  • low-fat, sweetish cheeses (1 slice per day);
  • low-fat cottage cheese, milk, sour dairy products;
  • coarse bread (cereal, bran, dark varieties) - 2 or 3 pieces per day.

What should not be on the menu:

  • saturated broths;
  • fried/smoked meat products, fish;
  • hot spices;
  • chocolate.

Fasting days

The diet for heart failure, especially if you are overweight, involves periodic fasting. Its reasonable organization will give good long-term results and improve well-being.

Important! Cardiology patients can have fasting days only with the permission of a doctor.

The number of “unloads” can vary from 1 to 3 per week. During “fasting,” organs, including the heart, can take a break and heal themselves, and the body as a whole can cleanse itself a little.

It is important to set the right psychological attitude: fasting nutrition leads to improvement, and, therefore, to good health and an optimistic mood!

There are several classic options: kefir/cottage cheese, kefir/apples, apples/apple juice, rice/compotes.

1st appointment:

a) 6-8 tbsp. l. porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal) or 100-150 gr. cottage cheese (cheesecakes, casseroles);

b) 100 ml of milk or 1 slice of bread with butter and a glass of weak tea (with milk).

2nd reception:

1 juicy apple/pear (can be baked) or 1 banana (can be baked) or 5-6 pcs. high-quality dried apricots (dim, but not completely dried out).

3rd reception:

a) vegetarian soup, it will taste better with a spoonful of low-fat sour cream;

b) boiled meat/fish; garnish to choose from - boiled carrot (beet) puree, stewed cabbage (can be with sour cream), tomatoes with cucumbers, sweet peppers and herbs in a salad flavored with sunflower oil;

c) 200 ml of uzvar or the same amount of fruit juice.

4th reception:

To choose from - 1 apple/pear, 6-8 pcs. dried apricots, 200 ml rosehip broth, pumpkin juice with 1 tsp. honey

5th reception (19:00):

Choice of a piece of boiled fish with 1-2 small potatoes, boiled in their skins, baked (potassium is retained); 6-8 tbsp. l. porridge + slice of cheese; 150 gr. cottage cheese; 150 gr. carrot/apple casseroles.

6th dose (before bedtime):

200 ml of kefir, yogurt, unsweetened yogurt.

Selection of products for fasting days

It could be:

  1. Kefir/cottage cheese. Liter of kefir, 400 gr. low-fat cottage cheese.
  2. Apples. Eat 1.5 kg of whole, pureed, baked or stewed apples with the peel. It is better to choose homemade products; imported ones are coated with wax for preservation. The fasting diet can be supplemented with 1 glass of light coffee (with milk) or apple juice.
  3. Cottage cheese/apples. Cottage cheese - 300 gr.; apples - 0.5 kg; milk (kefir) - 400 ml; potatoes - 200 gr.
  4. Rice/compote. 8 tbsp. l. Divide boiled unseasoned rice into 2 portions. Compote without sugar - 6 times a day, 200 ml.

During the period of natural (non-greenhouse) fruiting, cardiac patients need to maximally saturate their diet with green vegetables, fruits, and berries.

Local products are preferable, on which more than one generation has grown up and to which the body is tuned. They are necessary as a source of vitamins, microelements, antioxidants, which have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, immunity and overall quality of life.

The human heart works in a certain rhythm: it pumps a certain amount of blood through the vessels in a given period of time in order to supply all organs and systems with it. Sometimes the heart muscle cannot cope with the load, and this is due to myocardial injury, a decrease in the frequency of contractions, an increase in pressure or the amount of blood. This condition is called heart failure.

In addition to taking prescribed medications, the patient needs to take care of normalizing his own lifestyle, eliminating stress, minimizing physical activity and maximizing the health of the body. An equally important point is to review your diet. After all, food serves as energy for our body; the intensity of the heart’s work depends on its quantity and quality. In combination with external negative factors, “wrong” food can aggravate the situation, accelerating the wear and tear of the most important organ.

What is heart failure

Restrictions in the work of the heart weaken it, as a result of which the blood cannot circulate fully. When left ventricular failure is diagnosed, pulmonary function stagnates and attacks of cardiac asthma occur. Right ventricular failure leads to stagnation of blood in the liver, accumulation of fluid in the cavities, swelling of the lower back and lower extremities.

Inadequate blood flow leads to a lack of oxygen for internal organs and tissues. Oxygen starvation leads to the development of acidosis and the accumulation of unprocessed metabolic products - lactic acid. Increased metabolism and disrupted protein metabolism provoke exhaustion of the body. Edema indicates a violation of the water-salt balance.

The main task of the diet used for heart failure is to stimulate the myocardium and eliminate swelling. This diagnosis is accompanied by sodium stagnation, which means limiting salt intake during diet therapy. In addition, the patient is prohibited from drinking a lot of liquid: the permissible limit is 1–1.2 liters per day.

Nutrition for heart failure should compensate for the lack of potassium, which removes excess fluid and helps stimulate the rhythmic functioning of the heart. Magnesium is also very important in the diet, as it activates enzymes, speeds up metabolism, and regulates acidity. Impaired myocardial function often leads to impaired calcium metabolism. A reduced content of this microelement causes convulsions, and without it normal blood clotting is impossible.

Basic principles of nutrition

The rules surrounding basic therapy are strict. To achieve a positive result, especially in old age, you must adhere to the following dietary principles:

  • berries;
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • spinach;
  • fresh herbs;
  • cucumbers;
  • beets;
  • tomatoes;
  • dairy and fermented milk products.

  1. Basic diet. The following products are useful:
  • porridges from different types of cereals;
  • lean beef;
  • turkey;
  • chicken;
  • lean fish;
  • first courses (preferably vegetarian or dairy);
  • baked or boiled potatoes;
  • stewed zucchini;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage.

Heart disease is accompanied by a lack of minerals and some vitamins, and a special diet is designed to fill all the missing gaps, thus normalizing the blood circulation process.

Diet basics for heart failure every day

In diseases of the cardiovascular system, much attention is paid to proper and balanced nutrition. That is why doctors recommend a certain menu option, which is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the stage of development of his disease.

The most popular and effective diets for heart failure are the Pevzner and Carrel diets.

Healthy foods

In case of chronic or acute dysfunction of the heart, insufficient blood supply to human tissues and organs occurs.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

The heart muscle cannot continue to work fully, losing its elasticity, which leads to the retention of excess fluid and the appearance of swelling. This phenomenon is called heart failure. The disease occurs quite often in people over 30 years of age.

In order to restore the metabolic balance, disturbed due to insufficient nutrition and poor blood supply, with this disease the patient is prescribed a special diet rich in healthy foods.

When kidney function is activated and diuresis increases, swelling decreases.

This is facilitated by following certain nutritional rules specific to heart disease, as well as following a diet enriched with microelements, minerals and vitamins.

Below is a list of foods that are beneficial for the functioning of the heart muscle:

  • eggplant;
  • beet;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • pumpkin;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • cauliflower;
  • potato.

At the same time, it is not recommended to include radishes and radishes in the menu, which cause gas formation in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as pickles, pickled and pickled vegetables. White cabbage should be limited in consumption.

  • fermented baked milk;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • curdled milk;
  • sour cream;
  • mild and unsalted varieties of cheese (for example, Adyghe);
  • acidophilus.

From these products you can prepare sauces, puddings, casseroles, baked but not fried cheesecakes, etc. However, the consumption of spicy or highly salted varieties of cheese is strictly prohibited.

  • strong chicken and meat broths;
  • kebab;
  • spicy and highly salted dishes;
  • lard

You should also reduce the amount of animal fats and offal you consume, such as kidneys, liver, and brains.

  • porridge from oatmeal, rice, semolina and buckwheat, cooked in water or milk;
  • pasta and vermicelli from durum wheat.

Butter can be added to porridge only in small quantities; legumes (beans, peas) should also be limited, as they cause flatulence.

  • In case of heart failure, it is prohibited to eat dried, smoked, salted fish and its caviar, as well as strong fish broths.
  • At the same time, low-fat varieties are allowed (pike perch, navaga, cod, etc.), in the ear or baked in foil without oil.

Which flour products should you avoid:

  • vegetable, berry and fruit juices;
  • jelly;
  • compotes;
  • chicory drinks instead of coffee;
  • natural tomato juice (without seasonings and salt);
  • weak tea and coffee with milk.
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • vegetable and cereal porridges and soups;
  • milk broths.

It is not recommended to eat more than 3 eggs per week, prepared in the form of meringue or steam omelet (fried eggs are strictly prohibited). Mushroom soups should also not be included in the diet, as mushrooms are difficult to digest and may contain toxins.

Soups prepared for a patient with heart failure should be cooked using secondary, safer and lighter broth or vegetable broth.

You can see a photo of swelling of the legs due to heart failure at the link.

Diet principles for heart failure for every day

For the diet prescribed for heart disease to be effective, it is necessary to adhere to certain principles that are considered the rules of healthy nutrition:

  • This is the most basic rule, compliance with which is necessary to normalize the functioning of the heart muscle. Salt collects water, overfilling the blood vessels with excess fluid and for this reason forming swelling, which complicates the normal functioning of the heart.
  • When calculating the amount of salt consumed per day, it is important to take into account its content in all products included in the menu (for example, bread, sausages, juices, etc.).
  • The seasoning norm for people with heart disease is no more than 6 grams per day. In addition, it is recommended to use salt that is low in sodium.
  • When heart problems worsen, salt intake is either limited or completely removed from the diet until improvement occurs.
  • A diet aimed at improving the functioning of the cardiac system should be fractional, so meals are divided into 5-6 parts minimally, and the portions consumed are small.
  • This is necessary to facilitate the work of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce pressure on the diaphragm.

It is not recommended to drink too little; the normal amount of fluid per day is 1.2 liters. If you don't drink enough water, constipation can occur, as the process of removing nitrogen compounds from the body becomes more difficult.

The patient's diet should include:

  • compotes;
  • jelly;
  • juices;
  • still water;
  • mineral water in limited quantities up to 2 glasses per day (due to the salt content in it).
  • citrus fruits;
  • rosehip;
  • croup;
  • berries;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • foods rich in potassium and magnesium (nuts, peaches, dried apricots, cabbage, bananas);
  • potatoes;
  • prunes;
  • etc.
  • apples;
  • pears;
  • greenery;
  • pumpkins;
  • zucchini;
  • potatoes;
  • beets;
  • lettuce;
  • cucumbers;
  • cauliflower;
  • dairy products.

Nutrition according to Carrel

The diet is used not only to restore blood circulation, but also to get rid of extra pounds.

Carrel nutrition has the following characteristics:

  • diuretic effect;
  • drinking unheated boiled milk;
  • except for salt;
  • high calcium content;
  • split meals.

Among the prohibited foods on this diet:

  • sweets;
  • baked goods;
  • spices or spices;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • any smoked, canned or pickled foods.

Such a menu and prohibitions on certain products are due to the fact that the diet is most often prescribed to people who have a severe form of cardiovascular disease (for example, with heart disease).

When following the specified diet, swelling is relieved and dropsy in the abdominal and thoracic cavities is reduced.

The essence of dietary nutrition is the daily consumption of fresh milk (from 3 to 5 glasses) and the gradual introduction of solid foods into the diet. An approximate menu for a day looks like this: ½ cup of milk every two hours from morning to evening (no more than 1 liter of liquid per 8 or 10 doses).

By the third week of the diet, the following products should already be introduced into the menu in small quantities:

  • curdled milk;
  • bread;
  • potato;
  • eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • fresh meat (with doctor's permission).

If the disease is complicated by atherosclerosis, the diet should be reduced by 1/3 of the total diet, and foods containing vitamin D or cholesterol (for example, yolks, fatty meats and fish, sour cream, cream, butter, offal) should be removed.

The calorie content of the diet for each day for heart failure according to Carrel cannot be more than 2,700 kilocalories.

Sample menu

With further treatment, the patient is gradually transferred to another type of diet - table No. 10 or table No. 10a according to Pevzner, characterized by a decrease in liquid taken per day and the absence of salt in food.

The main conditions during preparation of products are:

  • calorie content per day is no more than 2,000–2,500 kilocalories;
  • food should be light and easily digestible;
  • Vitamins, microelements and minerals must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities with food;
  • food processing should be gentle (baking, boiling, steaming);
  • the amount of liquid cannot be more than 1.5 liters daily;
  • bread products are allowed up to 250 grams, and granulated sugar - up to 30 grams every day.

Table No. 10

Diet No. 10 is prescribed for the following health problems:

  • heart failure;
  • obesity;
  • complications of the disease in the form of limitation of physical activity;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart disease;
  • myocarditis of an allergic or infectious nature;
  • during the recovery period after a heart attack.

A sample menu for a day looks like this:

  • porridge with milk from semolina, rice or buckwheat (at the rate of 50 grams of cereal per cup of milk and a pinch of granulated sugar);
  • a teaspoon of oil;
  • steamed omelette, 80 grams of cottage cheese with 25 grams of sour cream or a soft-boiled egg;
  • a cup of weak tea with one of three additives - milk, jam or apple.
  • 100 grams of grated turnips or carrots with the addition of a spoonful of sour cream;
  • In addition, a fresh apple (up to 100 grams), a little apple-carrot marmalade or soaked dried apricots (up to 30 grams) are allowed.
  • 100 grams of boiled or oven-baked meat with a vegetable mixture or onions;
  • ½ serving of vegetarian soup - borscht, rice with a lemon wedge, barley with sour cream and potatoes, or fruit with breadcrumbs;
  • your choice of fresh apple or apple puree, milk jelly (7 grams of potato starch and 10 grams of granulated sugar are required per glass) or 50 grams of soaked prunes.
  • 50 grams of juicy apple or any fruit soaked in water;
  • a cup of rosehip infusion (possibly adding granulated sugar).
  • 80 grams of curd mass with 50 ml of sour cream or milk;
  • ½ cup milk with added sugar or tea half with milk;
  • choice of steamed cutlets made from potatoes and prunes, carrot cutlets with breadcrumbs and fruits (20 grams of semolina, a pinch of sugar and crackers, ½ cup of milk, 200 grams of carrots, a little butter and 30 grams of dried fruits), boiled vermicelli with butter or apples and beets , stewed in sour cream.

Table No. 10a

A feature of this diet is to reduce the amount of liquid to one liter, consume up to 30 grams of granulated sugar and 150 grams of white bread per day. All products are crushed and prepared without salt or oil.

An approximate diet menu for every day for heart failure is as follows:

  • porridge from rice, semolina, buckwheat or millet, cooked in milk with the addition of raisins (50 grams of cereal requires a cup of milk and a pinch of granulated sugar);
  • to a spoonful of butter.
  • choice of one mashed apple with a pinch of sugar, rosehip infusion or fresh carrot juice;
  • 60 grams of curd mass with 20 grams of sour cream, steamed omelette or one soft-boiled egg.
  • puree of your choice from vegetables, potato, pumpkin or carrot (portion up to 100 grams);
  • steamed meat - meatballs, sliced ​​or cutlet with the addition of daily bread;
  • choice of jelly with milk, apple, cranberry or currant puree.
  • 75 grams of cottage cheese grated with a spoon of sugar, dumplings with sour cream or a soft-boiled egg;
  • choice of carrot or potato cutlets with the addition of dried apricots, prunes from semolina or soufflé with green peas.

A therapeutic diet for a person with heart failure can only be prescribed by a doctor after a thorough examination and taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Read also why cardiopulmonary failure occurs and how to recognize it in the early stages.

A description of the causes and symptoms of right ventricular heart failure can be found here.

Nutrition for heart failure: menu, fasting days.

One of the most common pathologies is heart failure. A powerful weapon against heart failure is proper nutrition.

Warning! For severe heart failure, be sure to discuss your diet with your doctor.

Nutrition for heart failure:

Nutrition for heart failure requires compliance with the following rules:

1. Diet. In case of heart failure, the diet should be divided - 5-6 times a day, in small portions. A large amount of food at one time puts additional stress on the cardiovascular system.

2. Alkaline foods. Since in heart failure the acid-base balance is disturbed with a shift to the acidic side, it is necessary to include more alkaline foods in the diet. These are milk and fermented milk products, beets, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, spinach, greens, pears, apples, berries.

3. Products for heart failure. Eat porridge from various cereals, lean meat: beef, veal, chicken, turkey, lean fish. For side dishes: potatoes, cabbage, carrots, zucchini. Cook vegetarian soups: vegetable, dairy.

4. Salt. Diet for heart failure should contain less salt. Due to impaired water-salt metabolism in heart failure, fluid is retained in the body, which leads to edema and complicates the functioning of the heart. It is recommended to consume no more than 5-6g of salt per day, and in some cases completely abandon it.

5. Liquids. If you have heart failure, drink no more than 1-1.2 liters of fluid per day, this includes soups, compotes and other drinks. Coffee - not strong with milk, juices diluted half with water, mineral water no more than 1-2 glasses.

6. Potassium and magnesium. Include more potassium and magnesium in your diet if you have heart failure. Potassium has a diuretic property - it removes excess fluid from the body. Potassium deficiency causes cardiac arrhythmia. Magnesium is necessary for the normal functioning of blood vessels.
A lot of potassium is contained in: dried apricots, prunes, nuts, wheat bran, beets, potatoes, cabbage (white, cauliflower, red), rose hips, oranges and grapefruit, buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, red and black currants, raspberries, cranberries, gooseberries, cloudberry.
There is a lot of magnesium in cereals, bread, walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, watermelons, and seaweed.

7. Sweets. Limit sugar in your diet if you have heart failure. It can cause swelling, which complicates the work of the heart. It is recommended to eat 6 teaspoons of sugar, or honey, or jam, or 4-5 sweets per day. You need to take everything into account: cake, cookies, sweet buns, ice cream, etc.

8. Fats. Avoid fatty foods. Prepare dishes with vegetable oil. Butter - no more than 1 teaspoon per day. Unsalted cheese – 1 slice per day.

9. Eliminate chocolate, rich broths, fried, smoked meat, spices, spicy dishes.

10. Bread. If you are overweight, eat white or black bread, no more than 2-3 pieces per day.


Breakfast. Buckwheat or oatmeal porridge - 6-8 tablespoons (instead of porridge you can have cottage cheese, pudding or cheesecakes - 100-150g), half a glass of milk. If desired, you can have a sandwich with butter, a glass of weak tea with milk.

Lunch. Fresh or baked apple (or pear, or 5-6 dried apricots, or 1 banana).

Dinner. Vegetarian soup. For the second course: boiled meat (or fish, or chicken, or turkey). Garnish: carrot or beet puree, or stewed cabbage, or tomato salad with cucumbers and sunflower oil. 1 glass of dried fruit compote or fruit drink.

Afternoon snack . An apple or a pear, or 6-8 pieces of dried apricots, or 1 glass of rosehip decoction.

Dinner no later than 19:00. Boiled fish with boiled potatoes - 1-2 pieces, or a slice of cheese with porridge, or cottage cheese, or carrot-apple casserole.

Before bedtime. 1 glass of kefir or yogurt.

Nutrition for heart failure.


For those suffering from heart failure, experts have developed several options for fasting days: kefir-curd, apple, rice-compote, curd-apple.

Kefir-curd fasting day:

You need 1 liter of kefir and 250-400 g of cottage cheese per day.

Apple fasting day:

* During the day, eat 1.5 kg of apples and 1 glass of coffee with milk in the morning, or half a glass in the morning and evening.

* Every 3 hours, eat 300g of apples, pureed with peel (but without seeds) - only 1.5 kg per day.

* You need 1.5 kg of apples per day and 4-5 glasses of freshly squeezed apple juice.

Rice-compote fasting day:

For the day: 6 glasses of non-sweet compote, and 2 times a day a little rice cooked in water.

Cottage cheese and apple fasting day:

For the whole day, 300g of cottage cheese, 500g of apples, 400ml of milk or kefir. If you have normal weight, then add 200-300g of potatoes. All products should be divided into 5-6 doses during the day.

Recommended diet for heart failure

Due to the fact that a large number of people are susceptible to heart disease, a natural question arises about what to eat if you have heart failure so as not to harm your health. This problem affects not only the older generation, but also quite young people over 30 years old.

Is a diet necessary for heart failure, or can you eat whatever you want?

Many people currently suffer from excess weight, which is caused by poor nutrition. Constant snacking, large amounts of food consumed, and a sedentary lifestyle eventually lead to serious illnesses. The appearance of excess weight is accompanied by the formation of all kinds of diseases.

The diagnosis of heart failure is given to those who have problems with the functioning of the heart muscle, fluid retention in the body, and the occurrence of edema. Inadequate functioning of the main organ contributes to disruption of metabolic processes. In order not to worsen the condition of the heart muscle, it is necessary to avoid certain foods. Having established a diagnosis, doctors recommend choosing the right diet for heart failure, that is, following a strict diet that will allow the heart to restore functionality.

Diet features

A diet for heart failure includes foods that contain the required amount of vitamins and microelements to help cope with the disease.

  1. It is necessary to consume foods with a high content of alkali, because with heart disease there is an imbalance of acid and alkali in the body towards the predominance of the first. It is important to regularly consume milk and fermented milk foods; the diet includes low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, and yogurt. The best option is to use homemade products rather than store-bought ones.
  2. The diet needs to be replenished with fresh plant foods; you can make salads or smoothies from vegetables, fruits and berries. If you have prepared a salad, it is not advisable to season it with oil or mayonnaise. If there is a tendency to increased gas formation, then almost all vegetables must be cooked before consumption.
  3. It is worth including cereal porridge in your diet. Fiber, which is abundant in cereals, plays an important role in restoring heart function. Lentils are considered the most useful in the treatment of heart failure; they can be used to prepare a main dish or a side dish for meat and fish.
  4. The choice of meat must be approached responsibly; preference is best given to lean veal, beef, turkey or chicken. The fish should be lean, it is better to buy river or lake fish. A side dish for meat or fish dishes can be made from potatoes, cabbage or zucchini.
  5. Your daily diet must include food containing magnesium. It is useful to eat nuts, dried apricots or prunes in small quantities every day. Grapefruits and oranges, watermelons and melons, black currants will help eliminate the signs of a serious illness. Cranberries, cloudberries and gooseberries are useful for heart diseases.


In case of heart failure, you need to drink no more than 1 liter of fluid per day. You need to take into account all the liquid contained in the dishes you eat. It is not worth reducing its volume significantly; a minimal amount of liquid will not be able to completely remove nitrogenous compounds from the body. For drinks, it is better to consume natural juices, fruit drinks and compotes. Moreover, it is better to dilute the juice with water in equal proportions. It is not forbidden to drink weak tea and coffee; it is better to take them with milk. You can also drink mineral water, up to 2 glasses per day.

The best drink for restoring heart function is considered to be a decoction of hawthorn fruits and leaves.. Its main purpose is to dilate blood vessels, helping to improve blood circulation. Regular use of the decoction stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and activates the excretory system. As a result of the effect of hawthorn decoction on the body, breathing becomes easier. This drink is also recommended for asthmatics.

Prohibited Products

Due to the fact that excess weight provokes heart failure, you should avoid eating foods containing large amounts of cholesterol and purines. If you have heart disease, the consumption of the following products should be limited to a minimum:

  1. Salt contributes to stagnation of fluid in the body, congestion of blood vessels, and difficulty in the functioning of the heart. You should consume no more than 6 g of salt per day. Its content must be taken into account even in finished products such as bread and sausage. It is better to salt dishes before eating. For illnesses, it is better to use salt with a low sodium content. Spices will help improve the taste of the dish.
  2. Animal fats can be replaced with vegetable fats when cooking. The consumption of butter and cheese should be reduced to a small slice per day. You should not use fatty sauces; instead, you can use 15% sour cream.
  3. To prevent obesity, it is recommended to completely eliminate chocolate and confectionery products. They should be replaced with honey, dried fruit, jam or jam. You are allowed to consume up to 3 sweets per day.
  4. It is worth refusing to eat spicy and smoked foods, rich fatty broths and hot spices to prevent the appearance of excess weight. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol and sparkling water.


Those who are prescribed special nutrition for heart failure must strictly adhere to the food intake regimen. The most correct and useful in this case would be fractional nutrition, which involves more frequent consumption of foods in small quantities. Large portions are not recommended for consumption due to too much stress on the heart.

It is best to divide your daily meal into 5-6 times.

Moreover, the last dose should be taken 2-3 hours before bedtime. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of yogurt later.

Those diagnosed with heart failure are recommended to do fasting days:

  1. Kefir-curd fasting day involves consuming 1 liter of kefir and 0.4 kg of cottage cheese per day.
  2. There are several options for the apple diet, which involves eating 1.5 kg of apples during the day, as well as 1 glass of coffee with milk or 4 glasses of apple juice.
  3. Rice-compote fasting day is in demand among many people with heart disease. During the day, you need to consume 6 glasses of unsweetened compote and eat a small portion of boiled rice 2 times.
  4. Many people consider the cottage cheese-apple diet to be more delicious. It is suggested to consume 0.3 kg of cottage cheese, 0.5 kg of apples, 0.4 liters of milk or kefir per day, divided into 6 doses. If your weight is normal, then you can add about 0.3 kg of potatoes.

The diet must be agreed upon with your doctor: he will explain which foods will be of great benefit and which will be contraindicated in the treatment of a specific disease. Rehabilitation of the heart muscle with the help of diet will be more effective if you combine proper nutrition with certain physical activity. In this case, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air to improve blood circulation.

Heart failure is a disorder of the heart in which organs and tissues do not receive the required amount of nutrients and oxygen due to inadequate blood flow. The chronic form of this disease is the result of most heart diseases. Symptoms include an increase in the size of the liver, shortness of breath, swelling in the legs, with vigorous physical activity - rapid breathing and heartbeat, and blue lips. The chronic form of the disease often develops against the background of a heart attack, rheumatism, or inflammatory processes of the myocardium. Proper nutrition for heart failure allows you to restore the functionality of the heart and improve the well-being of patients.

Patients must adhere to a strict eating schedule. The most correct and most useful will be fractional meals. At the same time, products are consumed frequently, but in small quantities. Large portions of food are contraindicated for patients, as this leads to increased stress on the heart. The daily norm should be divided into 5 - 6 doses, and the last one should be taken no later than 3 hours before the night's rest. As a last resort, you can drink a glass of kefir before going to bed.

All food consumed must contain the required amount of useful microelements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. The latter activates the process of metabolism of carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, proteins. Calcium serves for natural neuromuscular excitability. Phosphorus is part of many proteins and fats, and also promotes the complete absorption of calcium. The body suffers due to a lack of potassium due to poor circulation. This element is involved in many important processes. You can replenish the lack of potassium by eating dried fruits, as well as foods that contain oxalic acid (red currants, sorrel, radishes).

When forming a special diet, it is necessary to remember that potassium and magnesium should predominate in the diet. Plant foods will help you achieve the right ratio: berries, fruits, vegetables.

If you are prone to constipation, it is recommended to use products with a laxative effect: prunes, beets, lactic acid products, honey and others. This point is very important, since excessive stress during emptying can complicate the work of the heart.

To fully assimilate food, you need to boil it and then grind it to a puree. You should not eat a large portion of food at one time, as this will complicate the functioning of digestion and the cardiovascular system. Overeating causes the diaphragm to rise and the position of the heart to change. This provokes heart rhythm disturbances.

People with heart failure should consume no more than 1 liter. liquid per day, taking into account that which is included in food. The volume of water should not be reduced too much, since such changes do not allow nitrogen compounds to be completely eliminated from the body. Suitable drinks would be compotes, natural juices, and berry fruit drinks. The juice should be diluted with water at a ratio of 1:1. Not too strong coffee or tea (with added milk) is acceptable. It is allowed to drink mineral water, but no more than 2 glasses per day.

The most useful drink for restoring cardiac function is considered to be a decoction made from hawthorn leaves and berries. The main purpose of this plant is to dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation. If you use the decoction regularly, the heart rate gradually normalizes, and the activity of the excretory system is activated. Hawthorn has a beneficial effect on the entire body and makes breathing easier.

What to include on the menu

Below is a list of foods that cardiologists and nutritionists recommend to their patients.

  • Bakery products. It is permissible to eat dried or yesterday's bread, as well as savory buns, crackers, dry cookies and biscuits.
  • Fish. It is recommended to consume this product because fish oil has a positive effect on heart function.
  • Soups. Dairy and vegetable broths with the addition of cereals are suitable.
  • Meat. It is worth limiting your meat consumption by choosing lean varieties, such as chicken.
  • Side dishes. You should use a variety of cereals, vegetables, and pasta. If you have weight problems, the amount of potatoes in your diet should be limited.
  • Milk. It is necessary to consume low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Eggs. It is worth limiting their quantity if you have high cholesterol levels. Twice a week you can cook a baked or steamed omelet.
  • Fruits. To relieve the heart, they are eaten fresh or baked, always ground.

  • Salads. Vegetable dishes seasoned with vegetable oil are suitable.
  • Sweets. The consumption of flour and sweet products should be limited. As dessert you can use fruit salads, jelly, jellies and mousses.
  • Snacks. It is acceptable to eat low-fat sausage and cheese, but only unsalted and mild.
  • Spices. The taste of food can be improved by using natural seasonings without artificial additives or preservatives: parsley and dill, garlic, cardamom, lemon juice.

Products recommended for consumption for heart disease are the same for everyone. But when drawing up a menu, you need to take into account such factors as a tendency to allergies, intolerance to some component, the individual reaction of the body and the presence of concomitant diseases (diabetes).

High fiber foods - beans, green peas, oat bran, prunes - help lower cholesterol levels. Grapes, kiwi, bananas, broccoli, oranges, tangerines are useful because they contain potassium.

Fresh vegetables and fruits contain fiber, which promotes the digestion process and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Prohibited Products

Heart failure often occurs in people who are overweight, so it is worth limiting the consumption of foods high in purines and cholesterol. In addition, foods that can retain fluid in the body and lead to metabolic disorders are prohibited. These pathologies are also provoked by alcoholic drinks and smoking. The diet involves avoiding the following foods:

  1. Sugar. It leads to swelling. The consumption of confectionery products should be controlled. The permissible limit per day will be no more than 6 tablespoons of sugar, or a few candies.
  2. Salt. This component is an accumulation of fluid in the blood vessels, which leads to a deterioration in their functioning, and therefore to difficulty in cardiac activity. The daily salt intake should be limited to 5–6 grams. Its content should also be taken into account in finished products: sausages, bakery products. It is better to salt cooked dishes immediately before eating. If the disease is severe, you should give up salt and improve the taste of food with natural spices.
  3. Foods high in animal fats. It is recommended to replace them with vegetable ones, but you can eat low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream. As for butter and cheese, you can only eat a small slice of them per day. Instead of fatty sauces, you should use sour cream (15%).
  4. It is better to avoid smoked foods, fatty rich soups, and hot spices. This will help avoid weight gain.
  5. Confectionery, and in particular chocolate, is prohibited. You can replace sweets with jam, dried fruits, and natural honey.

Features of diet therapy

Any diet must be agreed with your doctor. The specialist will tell you in detail which foods are healthy to eat and which ones should be avoided so as not to cause complications of the disease. Restoring the functioning of the heart muscle will be more effective if you correctly combine the recommended nutrition with physical activity. It is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air to improve blood circulation.

It is also necessary to remember that refusal of the above products should be for life. It often happens that a person switches to the usual menu as soon as the unpleasant symptoms and manifestations of heart failure subside. As a result, the disease may take new turns.

The menu for illness can be varied. Below we will look at options for creating a diet.

It is advisable to use only those products that were grown in your region. They will become a natural source of antioxidants, beneficial vitamins and microelements, and will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems, and on human well-being in general.

8:00. Milk porridge made from semolina, rice, as well as buckwheat milk soup; 1 tsp. butter, soft-boiled egg; cottage cheese (80 g) with sour cream (25 g), steamed omelet, no more than 80 g; weak tea with added jam or milk.

11:00. Grated carrots or turnips in the amount of 100 g with a small amount of sour cream, fresh apples (no more than 100 g), dried apricots (up to 100 g). It is recommended to soak dried fruits in water before use.

14:00. Boiled or oven-cooked lean meat with a vegetable side dish (100 g), half a serving of soup; apple or applesauce, jelly, prunes (50 g).

16:00. Fresh apple or dried fruits soaked in water (50 g); a cup of rosehip decoction (possibly with a little sugar added).

19:00. Cottage cheese (80 g) with sour cream (50 g); tea with milk; potato cutlets with steamed prunes, or carrot cutlets with fruit and crackers, or boiled vermicelli with butter, or beets and apples stewed in sour cream.

Before going to bed, it is permissible to drink a small amount of milk or tea with it added.

Consequently, nutritional correction is one of the most important points in the treatment of many cardiac pathologies. By composing your diet correctly, you can speed up the healing process and at the same time improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.